Personal Details

  • Name: Klaus D. Wolfer
  • Day of Birth: 18th December 1963
  • Nationality: German
  • Adress: Trollingerweg 6, 74354 Besigheim
  • Phone: on demand
  • Email:

Professional Profile

  • Areas of expertise:

    • Strategic thinking & entrepreneur spirit
    • Creative solution design and selling
    • Product & solution management
    • Guerrilla marketing & networking
    • Customer problem analysis and abstraction
    • Bid & subcontractor management
    • International project teams
    • Consulting
    • Social skills
    • Intercultural experience
    • Highly creative in continuous improvement processes and idea development.


    • eKanban solutions
    • Maritime Safety & Security solutions
    • Emergency Call Handling Systems
    • Security solutions in general

Work Experience

  • since June 2011

    Product Manager

    Thales Defence & Security Systems, Full-Time

    • Communication System for Civil Security

  • April 2010 - May 2011

    System Architect

    Thales Defence & Security Systems, Full-Time

    • Solutions for Civil Security
    • Bid & Proposal Management

  • 2008 - March 2010

    Bids & System Design Manager

    Thales Maritime Safety & Security International, Full-Time

    • VTS/CoSS Solution Architect
    • Marketing/Sales & Consulting
    • Bid & Proposal Management
    • System Design

  • 2003 - 2008

    Bids & Product Manager

    Barco, Full-Time

    • Maritime Surveillance & Security
    • Writing winning proposals for CSS Portugal, Port of Antwerp, MRCC Ostend, VTS Wintam and more...

    • Airside Slot Capacity Assistant (ARCAS)
    • Selling ARCAS (slot management solution ) as product manager to Munich and Duesseldorf Airport.

  • 1998 - 2003

    Member of the Management Board

    Orthogon, Full-Time

      Head of department Manufacturing Information Systems (MIS)
  • 2001 - 2003

    Product Manager

    Orthogon, Full-Time

      Product Manager ARCAS - Airside Slot Capacity Assistant
    • Marketing, Acquisition, Sales and Consulting
    • Partner Management
    • Complete preparation of winning bid for MATCHBOX Tender (Fraport AG)
    • Product Development & Management
    • Sales & Partner Presentations
    • Installation/Integration and System site acceptance

  • 1998 - 2003

    Product Manager

    Orthogon, Full-Time

      Product Manager IKS - Integrated Kanban System
    • Marketing, Acquisition, Sales and Consulting
    • Solution Design & Development
    • Partner Management
    • Sold to Magneti Marelli, Pirelli, Flextronics, Hansa, Daimler ...

  • 1992 - 1998

    Project Manager, Developer, Marketing, QA

    ISA Systems GmbH, Full-Time

    • ESPRIT MUSSELS (eKanban for Pirelli, UK)
    • ESPRIT IKS (Integrated Kanban System) for Magneti Marelli, Italy
    • ESPRIT DISCO (Distributed, multi-site production control system) for Magneti Marelli, Italy
    • BMBF TUDOR (Informationsystem for Skilled Workers)
    • BMBF PLANLEIT (Toolbox for graphical Control Center/Leitstand)
    • Siemens ATC Kasachstan (Electronic Data Display, Recording & Replay)

  • 1989 - 1991

    SW Developer

    ISA Information Systems GmbH, Part-Time

  • 1986 - 1989

    SW Developer

    Fraunhofer for Economy and Organisation (IAO), Part-Time

Technical Skills

  • Microsoft Office Suite Extensive experience Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Visio, VBA
  • DOORS Moderate skillset Requirement Management Tool
  • JIRA Moderate skillset Issue & Bug Tracking Tool
  • Microsoft Project Moderate skillset Project Management Tool
  • Moderate skillset Graphic Tools
  • Wordpress Extensive experience CMS for professional websites
  • PHP/mySQL/HTML/CSS Moderate skillset Web Programming Tools
  • Viewlet Builder Moderate skillset Screencasting Tools


  • 2009 - 2012

    Thales University

    • How to create a business case
    • Winning Bids
    • System Engineering Passport
    • Ethics

  • 2005 - 2007

    Cipers Training & Coaching

    • Strategic Selling
    • Presentation & Negotiation


  • 1983 - 1989

    University of Stuttgart

    • Computer Science
    • Economics, Marketing & Strategic Business Planning

    Degree: Diplom-Informatiker


  • Specific

    • Chess, Geocaching, Reading
    • Sports: Biking, Swimming, Jogging, Hiking
    • Travelling

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